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U.S. Luxury Hotel Industry Sees Rates Soar to New Heights

July 11, 2024

With the pandemic fading in the rear-view mirror, luxury hotel operators in the U.S. are now refocusing on revenues and profitability. Room demand for luxury hotels has recovered well, and the industry is now selling almost 30 million room nights annually, more than ever before.

Effects of the Covid-19 disruption, however, are evident. Expected demand numbers based on pre-pandemic growth rates still have not been achieved.

Even while demand was disrupted between 2020 and 2022, room supply has continued to grow. Developers and investors are eager to participate in the healthy industry fundamentals that drive profitability. Forty-six million room nights are available annually, which will likely continue to increase as more investors place a bet on the segment.


An ayurvedic body massage that uses a paste made of ground grains to cleanse the skin, improve circulation and help weight loss.

Unreasonable Hospitality: How Giving People More Than They Expect Can Get you to #1

September 5, 2023

Soon after opening his new restaurant in the heart of New York City, Will Guidara was excited to be included as one of the “50 Best Restaurants in the World.” Until he heard Eleven Madison Park’s rank: 50th place.

Of course, it was an honor just to make the esteemed list: It recognizes technically excellent dishes, near-perfect service, and a gorgeous dining room. But Will shared that he had to admit to himself many restaurants achieve those standards of excellence. He realized Eleven Madison Park had not yet pursued anything to set itself apart, while earlier winners were unreasonable in their pursuit of product and innovation. He vowed to be equally unreasonable in pursuit of people and experience.

At his Town Hall appearance at the 2023 ISPA Conference, Will Guidara shared several lessons he learned on the way to becoming the number one restaurant in the world:

Upsell Tactics

March 31, 2017

Upselling, the act of encouraging customers to buy more or better products, might sometimes be considered retail’s guerrilla tactic. In fact, it is something that everyone in retail should embrace, teach and encourage.

Utilizing Space Effectively in Retail Merchandising

June 15, 2017

Gina Jacoby-Clements shares her top tips on how to utilize spa space effectively and visually in Retail Merchandising.


In Ayurveda, one of the five steps of panchakarma which refers to therapeutic vomiting induced to eliminate the mucus causing builup of kapha.

Vampire Facial

Other Name(s):
Vampire Facelift, Platelet-rich Plasma Facial, PRP, Autologous Facial

Definition of Offering:
A facial treatment incorporating an application of platelet-rich plasma.

Vibration Therapy

Whole body vibration refers to a training method employing low amplitude, low frequency mechanical stimulation to exercise musculoskeletal structures for the improvement of muscle strength, power, and flexibility. The technology centers on a recurrent change of position on a vibrating platform to stimulate muscles to work by the stretch reflex, ensuring all muscle fibers are stimulated at one time.

Vichy Shower (Therapy)

A Vichy shower is a shower with from 5-7 vertical shower heads in which large quantities of water are showered over a spa patron while he or she lies in a shallow wet bed (similar to a massage table, but with drainage for the water).

Video: 3 Best Social Apps to Save Time

September 8, 2017

Learn about the top three free social media apps to save time and help grow your spa business today! Erin Gargan, a 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo speaker, lets you know hers in this video.

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