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14 Ways to Upgrade Your Retail Space for More Sales

June 12, 2018

Retail Sales can be a major component of a spa’s revenue, but it’s no longer enough to have amazing products. 

5 Effective Retail Strategies During a Pandemic

March 16, 2021

As an established brand with a line of cosmetics that are sold both business-to-business and business-to-consumer, sold both online and offline and in spas and salons around the world, I understand first-hand how it feels to lose a part of my business overnight due to COVID-19. I understand and feel the collective pain and financial uncertainty that comes with this pandemic.

A Conversation with Carol Phillips- Retail Is Not Dead: How to get your Products on the Shelf, in the bag and out the door

January 4, 2024

Pulse: When you take the stage at the 2024 ISPA Conference for a Knowledge Builder session, what topic will you present to ISPA members?

Carol Phillps: In this session, I will share tried and true ways to drive retail sales in a luxury spa environment.

Pulse: ISPA asks members to “Dream Big!” during the 2024 Conference. How does that idea tie into your work with spa business leaders?

CP: Since Covid, I have noticed, working with beauty businesses around the globe, that almost every beauty brand and spa is underperforming in the retail department by at least 25 to 50 percent. I believe to my core that if, as an industry or individually, those in leadership positions committed to high-quality education in product knowledge, selling skills and communication skills, our industry could double.

Cannabis and CBD Come Full Circle

December 13, 2018

Sherrie Tennessee examines the history of cannabis, dispels misconceptions about the plant and offers insight on CBD retail.

CBD: Safety is important when sourcing

October 21, 2019

With the advent of a booming CBD industry, everybody—from consumers to suppliers to vendors—seems to want in on the magic. 

Color Spacing

April 14, 2017

Color is a visual language that can evoke certain feelings, depending on the color viewed.

Conscious Sales Person 1: Create Buying Desire to Drive Your Sales

July 5, 2017

Authentically increase client spend and loyalty and support the efforts your team is already making. My new concept of The Conscious Sales Person can be applied to all client facing businesses.

Conscious Sales Person 2: Create Your Conscious Sales Person

July 5, 2017

Have you struggled to hire the ideal employee that consistently inspires and educates your clients to take advantage of the amazing offers and benefits your business has to offer? Well now you can create one!

Conscious Sales Person 3: 5 Do’s and Don’ts for Your Conscious Sales Person

July 5, 2017

Have you ever advertised a great sale or promotion that didn’t deliver the results you had hoped?

Conscious Sales Person 4: Introduce The Conscious Sales Person to Your Team

July 5, 2017

Properly on-boarding new staff members to your team will determine their success with your business. The Conscious Sales Person needs the same type of introduction as a living voice that communicates your values, policies and procedures, offers, and creates a meaningful relationship with your client.

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