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Beacons Within The Spa Community: ISPA Conference Awards recognize industry’s brightest lights

June 13, 2024

VISIONARY AWARD • Michael Tompkins The ISPA Visionary Award is presented each year to a true spa industry visionary who has made significant contributions to both the definition and positive movement of health and wellness over the lifetime of their career.

Beer Bath

Other Name(s):
Hops Bath, Brew Bath

Definition of Offering:
Bathing in a tub of warm beer.

Behavior Modification Therapy

Programs designed to eliminate harmful personal habits such as smoking and substance abuse by teaching people how to change lifelong habits in order to become healthier and more at peace with themselves.

Ben Nemtin: Making the Impossible Possible

September 14, 2023

“By doing what you love, you actually inspire other people to do what they love—and that ripple effect continues more than you will ever know.” That was the advice Ben Nemtin shared with ISPA Conference attendees in May, and also a personal philosophy he has put into action by encouraging others to create and accomplish a “life’s bucket list.”

“There’s also a ripple effect when you help someone,” Ben continued. “Because you aren’t just helping that one person. You help their friends, you help their family, you help everyone who comes in touch with them. Kindness is contagious—because of the ripple effect. A smile creates a ripple.”

Ben, who received ISPA’s Alex Szekely Humanitarian Award prior to his keynote address, had the spa industry in mind as he discussed the ripple effect of kindness. “The work you do day in, day out, helps people reduce stress, increase resilience, bolster mental health,” he told ISPA members. “The problem is, the day-to-day stress, the pace, makes it difficult to contribute to that ripple.”

Best Menu Placement Layout

March 4, 2019

This graphic highlights areas of highest attention on a spa’s menu.

Better Onboarding Leads to Staff Retention

March 7, 2024

According to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), the average estimated cost to hire an employee in 2023 was $2,700, and this doesn’t include all the additional expenses (and complaints) that come with being understaffed. With hospitality’s estimated turnover rate of 73.8 percent last year, this represents a lot of wasted time and money. Of course, your hiring process can make a dramatic difference in beating the odds, but, after finding the right team member, a good onboarding process is essential as well. LinkedIn reported that companies conducting an official onboarding program kept 58 percent of their employees for at least three years, yet nearly a quarter of companies have no program in place to welcome and train new staff members. This month, we explore best practices for onboarding your team.


Bodywork combining exfoliation, herbal treatment, and light massage

Bioenergetic Analysis

Bioenergetic Analysis is an approach to therapy focusing on the mind, body, and the energy flowing between them. It is based on the premise that the mind and body function as one.


A technique by which one can learn conscious control of biological processes by means of monitoring one’s physical responses.

Body Composition Analysis

In this test, a measuring device is used and a computerized evaluation is made of lean body mass to determine the % of body fat to muscle. Nutrition and fitness programs are formatted accordingly to the results.

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