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Minimum Gap Restriction: A smart strategy to reduce unsold gaps in the spa schedule and maximize revenue potential

September 26, 2024

As a spa director or revenue manager, you know how important it is to fill your spa schedule with as many appointments as possible. But you also know not all appointments are equal. Some leave unsold holes in the schedule that are hard to fill, especially if the gaps are short or irregular. These gaps can reduce your revenue potential and waste your therapists’ time. How can you avoid these gaps and optimize your spa revenue?


Money Matters: The Psychology of Recommending Homecare

March 26, 2021

Dr. Michela Henke-Cilenti, CPLP, has spent her career helping teams become personally accountable for their psychology when recommending products, homecare or add-ons to clients; to connect more deeply and authentically with the guest every time. This article will share a few of those insights, plus best practices on how you too can lead and coach your teams to seamlessly recommending, every time.

Moxibustion (Taiji Moxa)

A traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves the burning of mugwort, a small, spongy herb, to facilitate healing on various acupoints on the body.

Mud Bath

A highly mineralized mud with oils and water used in a bath for guests to stimulate circulation, detoxify, and help reduce the pain of arthritis.

Myofascial Release

A technique which seeks to free the body from the grip of tight connective tissue to restore normal alignment and function and to reduce pain.

Nail Art

The practice of painting decorative designs on fingernails.


Utilizing herbal oils, juices and powder, Nasya treatmemt aids, soothes and protects the nasal passages, ears and throat from blockages and disorders.

Nature Inspired Design: Basalt Day Spa

September 26, 2024

Set in Salt Lake City, Utah, basalt day spa is the embodiment of two therapists’ harmonious vision of nature-inspired design and modern wellness practices. Co-owners Amber DeVoge and Jasmine Percy have succeeded in creating a sanctuary where every detail is considered, ensuring each visit to Basalt Spa is nothing short of extraordinary. Spanning 2,000 square feet, this tranquil retreat was established in 2015 and expanded in 2021 to include a 375-square foot retail space that is as inviting as it is unique.


Navigating Online Negativity in Your Spa

March 7, 2024

Pulse: As a Knowledge Builder presenter at the 2024 ISPA Conference, you will address the ISPA membership about public relations and company reputation. Share a little about what that means.

Darlene Fiske: The world is moving in warp speed: Texts, snaps, stories—it’s never been easier to communicate, and that brings on a new set of challenges to guests who want to complain loudly in the online world about their experiences. It also means you’ve got to be equipped with a nimble team and tools to react quickly and calmly. And with AI in our very near future, it also means that your online profile is more important than ever, since all the data being created now about your business will be fed to the machine and used to categorize you, to describe you, to teach others about you.

Neil Pasricha: Intentional Living & Building Trust

September 14, 2023

Great Work ➞ Big Success ➞ Be Happy Does that equation look right? Neil Pasricha finds most of us have grown up with that lesson instilled in us: If you do great work and achieve big success, it leads to happiness.

“This model is fundamentally reversed,” he claimed to the ISPA Conference audience. “It turns out, to be our best selves we need to put happiness at the beginning of the equation.”

Be Happy ➞ Great Work ➞ Big Success

“Happy people live longer. The average lifespan in this country right now is 30,000 days. We know from research that if you cultivate happiness, you get 3,000 extra days.” For Neil, the pursuit of happiness all started with a “rock bottom” period of his life. Within a three-day period, his wife told him she did not want to be married any longer, and his best friend took his own life. To cope, Neil began trying to focus on one good thought every day, eventually recording his ideas on a blog called 1,000 Awesome Things. Over the past decade since he began to catalog “awesome things,” Neil has researched happiness. “We’re awake 1,000 minutes per day,” he said. Happiness can start by committing to use two of those minutes to self focus. He suggests doing just one of the following routines every day.

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