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Retail Management for Spas | Chapter 7.1 | Basics of Store Planning & Floor Layout

March 27, 2017

Once spa professionals have studied how to plan buying the spa’s retail products and learned how to hire and train a sales staff, they can spend some time working on the design of the spa’s retail space. 

Retail Management for Spas | Chapter 7.2.| Presentation & Display for Skin, Body, and Beauty Products

March 27, 2017

When creating retail displays for skin, body, and beauty products, spa professionals must keep in mind that the majority of the shoppers who will enter into this retail space will be women. Of course, there will be an occasional male customer, but even though men account for 22 percent of spa visits in the in the United States and Canada (according to the ISPA 2004 Spa Industry Study), the biggest slice of the retail pie in nearly all merchandise arenas has always been cut and served to women. 

Retail Management for Spas | Chapter 7.3 | Presentation & Display for Apparel and Apparel-Related Products

March 27, 2017

Apparel is increasingly becoming a central part of the spa retail experience. Customers expect the same attention to detail in the area of spa apparel as they do in the rest of the spa boutique.

Retail Management for Spas | Chapter 7.4 | Presentation & Display for Gifts and Accessories

March 27, 2017

There is a saying that goes, “You are only as beautiful as you feel inside.” As the spa becomes more and more a retreat facility that people visit to get away from the stresses of the day, it is only logical that spa professionals teach people how to relieve that stress. 

Retail Management for Spas | Chapter 7.5 | Merchandising Tips: Putting It All Together

March 27, 2017

After all of the fixtures, displays, mirrors, products, and signs have been placed, it’s time for spa professionals to take an objective look at how it all fits together. 

Retail Management for Spas | Chapter 8 | Marketing

March 27, 2017

At the Urban Spa …

Reuben put down the trade magazine he’d been reading. The article mentioned that more and more men were beginning to frequent day spas—but the Urban Spa certainly wasn’t seeing much evidence of that, even though it had both services and products geared toward male customers.

Retail Management for Spas | Chapter 8.1 | Why Do Marketing?

March 27, 2017

Why Do Marketing?

Why should spa professionals do marketing? Can’t the products speak for themselves? Won’t it cheapen the spa’s image to offer specials or promotions? 

Retail Management for Spas | Chapter 8.2 | Preparing a Marketing Plan

March 27, 2017

When creating a marketing plan, savvy spa retailers use the reporter’s old formula of 5 Ws and an H to make the cash register ring.

Retail Management for Spas | Chapter 8.3 | Delivering the Message

March 27, 2017

After defining their marketing plan, spa professionals determine the marketing vehicles that will deliver their message to their target audience. To be effective, multiple methods will need to be used in combination to create the desired effect. These will include both external and internal marketing pieces.

Retail Management for Spas | Chapter 8.4 | People Make Marketing Happen

March 27, 2017

Marketing doesn’t happen by itself. People must work together to design, carry out, and follow through on all spa marketing initiatives. Spa professionals work closely with employees, vendors, and outside people to implement their marketing plans.

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