ISPA Research Supports Strong Spa Industry

October 1, 2014

Related Document: 2014Big5Stats1.jpg

The International SPA Association (ISPA) continues to build upon its library of respected research in the industry with the commission of the 2014 U.S. Spa Industry Study.

“With this year’s study marking the fifteenth anniversary of the ISPA U.S. Spa Industry Study, we are thrilled to report continued positive growth in the data representing the key metrics of the spa industry,” said ISPA President Lynne McNees. “We are looking forward to sharing this invaluable resource with our members within the industry to help them continue to grow their businesses.”

Due to the increasing numbers of spa visits (up 2.5 percent) and a rise in the average revenue per visit (up 2.5 percent), and revenue grew by 5.1 percent. The total number of visits to spa establishments in 2013 indicates the highest level recorded since ISPA commenced tracking the spa industry with an increase from 160 million in 2012 to 164 million in 2013.

This year’s findings reveal that operating spa establishments have increased by nearly 500 percent since the inaugural study was commissioned in 1999. In 1999 there were 1.5 spas for every 100,000 people living in the U.S. compared to 6.4 spas per 100,000 people at the end of 2013.

Another major indicator in the industry’s growth since the economic downturn is the total number employed in the sector, now at its highest level since the first industry study, increasing 1.8 percent from 343,600 in May 2013 to 349,900 in May 2014.

“PwC is honored to continue in this great collaboration with ISPA,” said Colin McIlheney, PwC’s global research director. “We are grateful for the investment ISPA has made to the spa industry research over the past fifteen years, and we are even more excited about what the future holds for the ISPA and PwC partnership.”

Individuals that participated in the study will receive a special research supplement including compensation data. The ISPA 2014 U.S. Spa Industry Study was commissioned by the ISPA Foundation and undertaken by PwC International Survey Unit, presenting a picture of the U.S. spa industry in 2013.

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