Getting Organized & Quickly Improving Productivity at Work

April 24, 2024 | 2:30 pm

Are you “too busy” to get the important things done? Do you waste time searching for things that were “right there a minute ago” and have now vanished forever? If so, you’re not alone.

The painful truth is that the average worker is interrupted 11 times per hour, procrastinates more than two hours daily, and loses 4.3 hours due to disorganization. Unnecessary meetings burn through 23 hours each week. Poor communication wastes five hours weekly. Add it all up and the total cost to businesses is more than $1 trillion annually. 

Fortunately, by shifting your mindset AND adopting a few simple strategies, you can quickly disrupt that story of “busy,” find anything in 30 seconds or less, and get back 4-10 hours each week, every week for the rest of your life.

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