Leading Researchers Meet With ISPA to Discuss The Spa Industry’s Future

September 19, 2008

LEXINGTON, Ky. – As the voice of the spa industry, the International SPA Association brings the most important, useful and accurate research to its members. In this endeavor, leading research professionals recently met in Coconut Grove, Fla., to discuss the future research needs of the spa industry. Invited guests from Association Resource Centre, PKF Hospitality Research and Smith Travel Research participated in a roundtable discussion with the leaders of the International SPA Association and ISPA’s expert advisor Colin McIlheney, global research director from PricewaterhouseCoopers, to discuss continual research that spa professionals will require to advance their businesses.

“Keeping our fingers on the pulse of the spa industry to help identify key trends and disburse timely information to our members is a top priority for the International SPA Association,” said ISPA President Lynne McNees. “The wealth of knowledge shared during this meeting will allow us to effectively tackle the issues facing the industry today and help us strategically plan for the future.”

All participants agreed to cooperatively work together to provide spa professionals with data and resources that will help everyone to understand the key trends shaping the industry and also highlight any emerging issues of concern to the customer. The meeting was a breakthrough moment for the industry as it highlighted the importance of quality research and emphasized the willingness of leading research professionals to contribute to a discussion on best practices and industry benchmarks.

In response to the day-long meeting between leading researchers, McIlheney said, “The day was very important because it placed research at the heart of the ISPA agenda. It was also very encouraging to see a number of the leading research practitioners openly discussing how top quality research can benefit the spa industry.”

ISPA has released groundbreaking studies and research tools since the early 1990s. To learn more about ISPA’s research and business tools, visit http://www.experienceispa.com/.

About the International SPA Association

ISPA is recognized worldwide as the leading professional organization and voice of the spa industry. Founded in 1991, ISPA advances the spa industry by providing invaluable educational and networking opportunities, promoting the value of the spa experience and speaking as the authoritative voice to foster professionalism and growth. More details on ISPA are available on http://www.experienceispa.com/.

Spas are places devoted to enhancing overall well-being through a variety of professional services that encourage the renewal of mind, body and spirit.

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