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Think Local

March 26, 2021

As spa directors continually search for ways to create authentic experiences for their guests while also increasing revenue, many have decided the best way to do that is by tapping into local resources. Businesses need revenue-boosting partnerships to succeed, and spa directors have decided that looking at local resources does that and also distinguishes them from their competitors.

Tips & Tricks From Daniel Pink

April 25, 2017

Looking for new ways to increase productivity and improve your work life?

Town Hall Panel: Takeaways From the 2024 ISPA Conference

July 11, 2024

The Town Hall presented at the end of May took on a different twist. One month removed from the 2024 ISPA Conference in Phoenix, participants considered opportunities and outcomes from the annual gathering. Panelists Shana Ominsky, Catherine Warren and Eric Wilkinson identified notable takeaways and innovative offerings that will help ISPA members drive business growth in the months and years ahead.

Why a Remarkable Customer Experience Is Your Best Sales & Marketing Strategy

September 14, 2023

“We don’t need more marketing,” Dan Gingiss says. “What we need is more experiences. Experiences are the things people talk about, remember and want to share with others.”

Dan says he used to be an acolyte of email marketing. Now, he would happily give up the practice entirely. “Customer experience is the best marketing you do.”

How do we get more people to share their experience? “We only share two kinds of experiences: Really good and really bad experiences. We don’t talk about normal or ordinary or average or ‘meh’—we talk about extraordinary or terrible.”

Dan has found spa consumers want to share positive experiences. “All you have to do is look at your Instagram feed to see that.” He shares a methodology—the WISE framework—for creating experiences people want to share:

Why Core Values are Critical (Elevate Your Leadership Pt. IV)

December 18, 2019

Does your company have core values? It’s a leader’s responsbility to establish those, as well as recognize that each employee comes to work with their own set of values, too.

Why You Should Delegate (Elevate Your Leadership Pt. VII)

December 18, 2019

Do you catch yourself saying, it would just be easier if I did it myself? While that may be a short-term fix, it isn’t the best long-term solution. By delegating tasks, leaders empower their employees and foster growth.

Women’s Intimate Wellness: New Trends Are Translating into Revenue Growth Opportunities

June 13, 2024

It’s no secret women’s wellness is transforming and businesses that want to tap into this large and wealthy consumer group must keep up with its trends. Spas are no exception, especially since women make up the largest percentage of spa service customers, and because spas are increasingly becoming wellness destinations. Understanding women’s wellness needs and adjusting product offerings and service menus to cater to those needs is a growth strategy many spas will want to make a top priority.

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